I have been taking this family's picture for the 4 years! It has been so fun to watch them grow up and to see how their personalities have shown through. They are huge Gopher Football fans and it's fun to see the boys get a little more into the football scene. Thanks guys for letting me capture this years family pictures I truly enjoy your family and love spending a morning with you!
I had to put this one in here, as a fellow cheerleader this is the perfect pose! I see a future Cheerleader in Jasmine!!
I love this Mom and Son! They have so much love for each other and it totally shows when they are together! "P" is so caring and such a funny guy. We had so much fun tromping through the creek and throwing flowers! As you can see "P" has such a charming smile! Thanks guys for coming out in the hot humid weather!
This was my second time photographing this family and it is always so fun to see how much they have changed since the last time you've taken there picture. These 3 siblings are so chatty and fun loving! I really felt like there personalities shone through in there pictures! Thanks guys for having me over!
Talk about a perfect session! Usually you always have to take a break to just let the kids regroup but this was the first session with my Beautiful Niece that she was just perfect and so Smiley. Brahm has this heart stopping smile with a hilarious laugh. I will have to work on Jamie through out this next year on keeping his eyes open during pictures!
Thanks so much guys for having me take your picture you know I truly enjoy it! *If these pictures are looking blurry please click on the picture to see them in Full Sharpness!